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Rosie Higuera is a true leader. She has my full support and endorsement. 

-Trevor Loudon

— Trevor Loudon
Together we are powerful.

I'm proud to endorse and support Rosie Higuera for Central Committee and Oceanside School Board. She's a bold and fearless leader who will fight for kids and families.

Endorsed by California Taxpayer's Coalition

— Mayor John Franklin
Mayor of Vista

  — Sonja Shaw
President, Chino Unified School District/Parental Rights Advocate

— Erin Friday
Attorney and Co - Lead for Our Duty CA

Rosie will help shake things up!! — Corbin Sabol

I endorse Rosie Higuera for OUSD School Board and Central Committee. Rosie puts families first, and wants to insure that our tax dollars go towards quality education for children. She is a hard worker, with a strong set of core values. She wants to insure that the Republican Party grows even stronger, especially since we are the minority party here in California. She is willing to go out and meet the public, and do the research that is needed to take us even further. She will go the extra mile. — Jeordie Fellner
Retired Oceanside Unified School District Teacher

Rosie will work hard to ensure the students of Oceanside receive a quality education. She is a strong advocate for parental rights. Rosie is dedicated to our community and the children in the community. — Susan Custer

Rosie has my vote! She is the strongest candidate for San Diego Republican Party Central Committee (District 5). Her passion for serving the people will be her honor to do what is right by the people as well as for the people. — Michelle Winslow

My name is Kathy Granite and I am a founder of the North County Patriots, an organic conservative grassroots group whose goal is to educate, support, and inspire positive political changes within the local San Diego communities. I am also the founder and credentialed school counselor of the Freedom of Choice Student Center, an alternative educational option for families located in San Diego’s North County. Strong leadership in my local community is extremely important, especially in schools. This is why Rosie Higuera is the perfect candidate for the Central Committee and School Board positions. I know Rosie will help restore parental rights and take all measures to safeguard children's innocence. She will also ensure school boards are accountable to the families, students, communities, stakeholders, and constituents they represent. I have the privilege to know her personally and have full confidence that she will faithfully represent her constituents to govern and manage the course of victory for the San Diego County Republican Party. Rosie is and has proven herself to be a strong leader for children in her community and is faithful to the U.S. Constitution. For this, I fully support her candidacy in this election. — Kathy Granite
Founder- North County Patriots and Freedom of Choice Student Center

I've known Rosie to be a dedicated and tireless fighter. She advocates for students in the Oceanside Unified School District, speaking out against the bad policy choices made by that Board. She is not afraid to speak before the Oceanside City Council in pursuit of making Oceanside better. Rosie would make a fantastic Central Committee Member, bringing her enthusiasm to the Republican headquarters. As a fellow Central Committee candidate, I fully endorse her for this position as one of the nine elected seats. — Richard Newton

I fully endorse and support Rosie Higuera for Central Committee and Oceanside School Board.  — Troy Newman

Rosie is the most excellent choice for representative of school board and central committee. She has the sheer tenacity to stand up for justice in any and all circumstances. Rosie has courage and resolve, intelligence, boldness, wisdom, empathy, integrity, and morality. I trust she will only make decisions that are for the betterment of the children and surrounding community. Vote Rosie Higuera! — Sophia Jones
Mother and homemaker

Fully endorsed and supported by Sharleta Bassett. — Sharleta Bassett Senatorial Candidate

Fully supported by Lance Christiansen  — Lance Christiansen
Candidate for California State Superintendent of Public Instruction, 2022

Fully supported and endorsed by Mayor Bill Wells  — Mayor Bill Wells of El Cajon & Congressional Candidate
Mayor of El Cajon

Proudly endorsed and supported by Reform California  — Reform California

Proud to endorse and support Rosie Higuera for Oceanside School Board Dist.5  — North County San Diego California Republican Assembly

Rosie Higuera, is the epitome of the perfect school board member. The standards of education that she stands for will be exactly what we need for raising our children to be educated not indoctrinated. This school board under the leadership of Superintendent Vitale has contributed to the decrease of students, closing schools and increased spending on everything from her salary to a New 40 million dollar District Office and DEI program that has no business in our children's education. We as residents want all the parents of these children to have full information and responsibility for their child's education and no more indoctrination. There should be nothing taught or accessible to our children that is not approved by PARENTS and all the CITIZENS of OCEANSIDE that pay the bills for this school district. I am supporting Rosie Higuera for the district 5 school board seat. I believe she will follow through with the training of our children in the way they should go and bring common sense back to their education. NO MORE INDOCTRINATED CHILDREN. — Jack Feller
Former Oceanside City Council Member

Proud to support and endorsement Rosie Higuera for Oceanside School Board.  — Laurie Davies
Assemblywoman Davies

I'm proud to support and endorse Rosie Higuera for a seat on the Oceanside Board of Education.  — Matt Gunderson
Candidate for 49th Congressional District

Supported & endorsed by — Andrew Hayes
Candidate for 75th State Assembly

Committee to Elect Rosie Higuera
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